
微电子与光电子学系 博导


寇君龙 (Junlong Kou),副教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才,紫金学者

本科、硕士研究生毕业于金沙威尼斯欢乐娱人城,博士毕业于加州理工学院长期从事微纳结构调控的无源、有源光电材料及器件研究,器件主要用于光传感、光通信、能源、汽车雷达、生物医疗等领域。20192022年,寇君龙在国际领先半导体公司从事半导体激光器、调制器芯片研发和应用工作,积累了不少产学研经验。2021年入选国家级青年人才,2022年入选紫金学者,曾获江苏省科学技术一等奖、金沙威尼斯欢乐娱人城青年五四奖章、中国光学学会王大珩高校学生光学奖、江苏省优秀硕士学位论文等。寇君龙博士在OpticaACS PhotonicsIEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum ElectronicsIEEE PTLIEEE JLTOptics ExpressOptics LettersPhysical Review等著名光电子刊物发表同行评议论文20余篇,相关成果被Nature Photonics等报道;申请、授权美国发明专利1项、中国发明专利10项,转让1项;撰写图书章节2章。被引用近1600余次,H-index 17。担任Adv. Mater., Adv. Opt. Mater., Adv. Science, Opt. Express, Opt. Lett., IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., ACS Appl. Energy, Joule, Polymer, Opt. Mater. Express, JOSA B, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., IEEE Photon. Journal, Appl. Opt., Materials and Design, and Opt. Commun.等期刊审稿人。中国光学工程学会高级会员,中国光学学会高级会员,OPTICA/IEEE/SPIE 会员,《红外与激光工程》青年编委。

课题组长期招收博士、硕士研究生(电子、光机电、材料、物理、化学、生医)、有志于科学研究或工程应用的本科生,招聘专职科研人员和博士后。Come and have a FREE talk if you are interested in us!









† denotes co-first authors 

* denotes corresponding authors

24. Circuits Based on Exceptional Points Introduced by Unidirectional Coupling (In Preparation)

Wenzheng Zhao, Yeang Zhang, Zixuan Gao, J.-l. Kou*, Yan-qing Lu, Qi Zhong, Sahin K. Ozdemir

23. Low-index-contrast metastructure for on-chip optical scattering computation based on topology optimization (In Preparation)

 P. Hong, J.-l. Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu

22. Meta-device for multifunctional imaging based on wavelength multiplexing (In Preparation)

 Hao-ran Qin†,Xin-yi Zhang†, J.-l. Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu

21. Inverse-design of Bessel-Gaussian beam emitter based on density adjoint method (In Preparation)

 X. Jiang, J.-l. Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu

20. Inverse Design of Reconfigurable Arithmetic Unit (Submitted)

 Hao-ran Qin†,Xin-yi Zhang†, J.-l. Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu

19. Non-local polarization multiplexing meta-surface for image processing (Submitted)

 Xin-yi Zhang†, Hao-ran Qin†, J.-l. Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu

18. Evolution of degenerate pairs of symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum (Submitted)

 W. Zhao†, W. Wang†, J.-l. Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu

17. Multifunctional imaging enabled by optical bound states in the continuum with broken symmetry (Submitted)

 J. Chen†, Z.-x. Chen†, J.-l. Kou*and Y.-q. Lu

16.Advances of Inverse Design in Photonics (Invited)

 P. HONG,L. HU,Z. ZHOU,H. QIN,J. CHEN,Y. FAN,T. YIN,J.-l. Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu


15.Hierarchical construction of higher-order exceptional points

 Q. Zhong, J. Kou, S. K. Ozdemir, R. El-Ganainy

 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 203602

14.Dynamic optical control of near-field radiative transfer

J.-l. Kou, A. J. Minnich

 Opt. Express 26 (18), A729-A736

13.Wavelength-selective thermal extraction for higher efficiency and power density thermophotovoltaics

 Z. Jurado*, J.-l. Kou*, S. M. Kamali, A. Faraon, A. J. Minnich

 J. Appl. Phys. 124 (18), 183105

12.Daytime radiative cooling using near-black infrared emitters

J.-l. Kou, Z. Jurado, Z. Chen, S. Fan, A. J. Minnich

 ACS Photon. 4 (3), 626-630

11.Highly Efficient and Tailorable On-Chip Metal–Insulator–Metal Plasmonic Nanofocusing Cavity

 Z. Li, J.-l. Kou, M. Kim, J. Lee, and H. Choo

 ACS Photon. 1, 944-953

10.Implementation of a high-Q and small-mode-volume cavity in microfibers

J.-l. Kou, F. Xu, and H. Choo

 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 20, 85-88

9.Platform for enhanced lightgraphene interaction length and miniaturizing fiber stereo devices

J.-l. Kou, J.-h. Chen, Y. Chen, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 Optica 1, 307-310

8.Miniaturized broadband highly birefringent device with stereo rod-microfiber-air structure

J.-l. Kou, Y. Chen, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 Opt. Express 20, 28431-28436

7.Highly birefringent slot-microfiber

J.-l. Kou, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 23, 1034-1036

6.Demonstration of a compact temperature sensor based on first-order Bragg grating in a tapered  fiber probe

J.-l. Kou, S.-j. Qiu, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 Opt. Express 19, 18452-18457

5.Broadband and highly efficient quadratic interactions in double-slot lithium niobate waveguides through phase matching

J.-l. Kou, Q. Wang, Z.-y. Yu, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 Opt. Lett. 36, 2533-2535

4.一种激光器 202110891605.4


3.一种垂直腔面发射激光器及其制造方法与应用 202110548868.5


2.一种垂直腔面发射激光器及其制备方法 202110728999.1


1.一种垂直腔面发射激光器及其制造方法与应用 202110691592.6



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